easiMARK P.E.T. Hotmask Transfer Tape

Central UK Location
Daily deliveries throughout
the UK and Europe
Hotmask aids the transfer of easiMARK Colourprint to garments, protecting the media during the heat pressing process. Can be used with a tape dispenser for faster application and is more economical for large runs.
For additional heat protection, Hotmask is designed to withstand temperatures of 165°C for extended heat cycles as long as 60 seconds. Immediately following the heat cycle, Hotmask peels off easily with no adhesive transfer to applied graphics or garment.
Note: Always remove Hotmask while the transfer tape is hot.
500mm x 25m roll
Hotmask aids the transfer of easiMARK Colourprint to garments, protecting the media during the heat pressing process. Can be used with a tape dispenser for faster application and is more economical for large runs.
For additional heat protection, Hotmask is designed to withstand temperatures of 165°C for extended heat cycles as long as 60 seconds. Immediately following the heat cycle, Hotmask peels off easily with no adhesive transfer to applied graphics or garment.
Note: Always remove Hotmask while the transfer tape is hot.
500mm x 25m roll